Merry Christmas and a Happy New Year!

Long time no speak!

We're very sorry for the silence on the website - no update since July (oops!). Those goats are keeping us busy alongside our full time roles, but we're back!

Behind the scenes, we have been making changes to the goat's paddock and building their new home on the Knowsley Road boundary. It's been lovely to speak to locals whilst working on their new home, it always brings a smile to ours faces. The land has since been topped again, showing us it's true self after being so overgrown.

It's been a learning curve building the new goats' home; with the extreme weather conditions we have had recently as well as the uneven and very wet ground, but we are proud to say they have moved in and seem to be loving it! We're still to perfect it and work on the surrounding area to make it look even nicer, so watch this space! If you haven't seen it, you'll find their home just after the railway bridge on Knowsley Road.

We hope you all had a wonderful festive break and wish you the best for the New Year.
Shore Farm Estate



