Chickens arrive at SFE!

How was the last post on here for Christmas and New Year?! Time flies when you're having fun!

So, what's new for us at SFE?

The goat's new home is in full action and they love it! It's perfect for them to pop in and out during the day, dodging the rain (which they hate!) or having a break from the powerful sun we're having at the moment. We recently celebrated having the goats at SFE for one whole year - managing many escapes and health scares! They're naughty, but we love them for it.

Our other big news is that we have welcomed some newbies to the farm - chickens! We were able to rescue some lovely ladies and have loved seeing them exploring the woodlands area on the farm. We have four at the moment - Bertha, Mildred, Freida and Wendy - and have now settled in wonderfully, giving us wonderful free range eggs.

Finally, it wouldn't be right to end the post without a proper mention of the weather - what a wonderful end to Spring we have had with glorious sunshine, let's hope it carries on to be a great Summer.

Speak soon, SFE.