Dog Field

Allow your dog(s) to blow off some steam within our secure field that you have exclusive use of for your booked slot. Simply close the gate behind you and have fun with your furry friend(s).

1 hour slot (55 minutes in the field, 5 minutes to exit)
prices TBC.

Please ensure that you have vacated the field ready for the next person, use the bin provided for any litter and waste bags, and leave the field the way you found it. All dog waste must be picked up and disposed of.

Please note this service will only become available if there is enough community interest, and subject to booking availability.
Perfect for:
  • Off-lead exercise
  • Distraction-free training
  • Nervous owners
  • Injury recovery
  • Puppies or rescue dogs
  • Recall work
  • Agility practise
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